Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Wow...just wow...

I don't know who wrote this - I've been sending responses to the person who sent it to me (Thanks Mike), but have not heard back from him yet.

So without further adieu I'm posting this - the finest explanation of how screwed up this nation is I have seen in quite some time:

During the run-up to the 2004 election, hundreds, if not thousands of liberals promised to leave America for good if Bush was re-elected. So America came out in record numbers to guarantee a Bush victory by nearly 4 million votes. As is typical, not one liberal kept their promise. Instead, they have only become more obnoxious in their efforts to dismantle America. America’s liberal movement isn’t what it used to be. The old live and let live, make love not war liberal who just wanted to be left alone to pursue his often drug induced euphoric consequence-free utopian existence has been replaced. I liked this old liberal. He did himself all kinds of harm, but generally speaking, he didn’t hurt anyone else. He was passive by nature, spending most of his time hanging out in his marijuana patch listening to the Beatles. I miss this old liberal…

The new liberal is a horse of an entirely different color. He is a bitter hate-filled America loathing Marxist, just as determined to bring the world’s most powerful nation to its knees as any foreign enemy in history. The new liberal doesn’t just hate George W. Bush or Dick Cheney. As their newly elected Messiah so proudly pronounced – “they hate everything they stand for.” Things like a strong military, a vibrant, free, capitalist economy, and a foreign policy that hinges on strength rather than weakness, real moral principles and true personal liberty. They hate it all… America is the freest nation on earth (despite liberal demands for more government control of everything). We have the lowest unemployment rate of any nation on earth, the largest number of self-made millionaires, and the highest average standard of living anywhere, even the richest poor people on the planet. We are the most generous nation because we are the most powerful nation on earth. Liberals don’t like any of it and they can’t think of one good thing to say about the founding principles of the country they love to hate. They don’t like gun toting heterosexual married people with children, the financially self-sufficient, people not hooked on drugs or alcohol, people of religion, unborn children or those who defend them, or anyone too smart to fall for their socialist spineless drivel. In short, they don’t like most Americans. They spend all of their free time looking for new ways to undermine everything America has ever been or was ever intended to be. So why are they still here?

Today’s liberal sees nothing wrong with a million abortions a year. He sees nothing wrong with tyrannizing the most productive members of our society for benefit of those who contribute nothing to society. He sees nothing wrong with art in the form of pornography, but everything wrong with a public display of the Ten Commandments. He sees nothing wrong with terrorists preaching death to Americans in Mosques and on street corners across this nation, but everything wrong with the pledge of allegiance or a morning peace prayer in our school houses. He believes that if you work smart enough, hard enough and sacrifice long enough to become wealthy on your own, you owe a share of your spoils to those who won’t do the same - that his government owes it to him, to take those spoils from you against your will if need be. He believes that all sexual perversions are just “alternative lifestyles” that must be tolerated in the name of creating an open society. He believes that those who don’t support such ideas are bigots. He believes that all religions are deserving of equal status, including the not so peaceful religion of Islam, the always entertaining satanic cult, and the religion of no religion, atheism. To the modern day liberal, there is no real difference between religions. He looks at terrorists firing upon American soldiers from behind the cover of female Muslim attire as victims of brutal American oppression. But he sees a terrorist prison camp where the American people pay for clean housing, three squares, a free Koran and a free prayer rug aimed at Mecca for every detainee as a Nazi Gulag. He sees legal immigration and illegal immigration as the same thing. A chance to recruit another liberal voter in search of free stuff from America’s feeding trough. He does not believe in self-governance or self-reliance, but rather in absolute government control over every aspect of American life. He doesn’t believe in a free market economy, but rather a government controlled economy designed to arbitrarily redistribute wealth. He doesn’t believe in freedom, just free stuff. He does not believe in national sovereignty. In the United Nations run by thugs, thieves and third world tyrants, he trusts. He looks at failing government controlled health care systems around the world and determines that America should do that too. He looks at the impending disaster of open societies in Europe and determines America should follow in their footsteps. He looks at one self-proclaimed war hero who refuses to release his military records to support his hero status and sees a real honest to goodness war hero. But he looks at more than 200 confirmed war heros who claim the other is a fraud and a traitor, and sees more than 200 liars. Now, it stands to reason that today’s liberal just might not be too bright, since there is quite literally no way to make sense of any of his logic. But it’s impossible to believe that anyone could actually be so foolish. So it is more likely that there is simply an agenda behind all this foolishness. That agenda is the dismantling of everything American. They intend to continue to systematically replace our free market economy with a government controlled welfare state that will make every American equal, equally poor that is.

They intend to replace our One Nation under God with a Godless society dependent upon man made laws rather than morality based self-governance. The facts are simply indisputable… They have already replaced our right to life endowed by our Creator with a government sanctioned right to murder our unborn and our physically or mentally challenged no longer of use to society. They have already replaced our right to free religious expression with a non-existent separation of church and state clause that effectively outlaws religious expression. All of this is at odds with the vast majority of Americans, yet it continues. If America is to continue being America, the enemy within must be dealt with. The time for tolerance has passed. We have tolerated far too much already. America’s survival depends entirely upon our ability to foster and nurture true American principles and ideals. Those who would undermine these ideals must be no more welcome in our country than those who seek to destroy America through more brutal means. Though the means are different, the threat is the same. America can not be all things to all people. It can either be America, or it can be something much less. It is time to deport those who like nothing about the country that unwillingly feeds and provides protection for their ill conceived agenda. Immigrants who seek to make America more like their homeland need to simply return to their homeland. If they won’t do it voluntarily, we should help them.

I don’t hate anyone…But I will no longer tolerate people intent upon destroying my country!

I hear France is looking for a few good socialists…

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

...and then it gets worse.

It appears that fabian socialists have discovered that people are not happy with the government and hence wish to disarm them (see the link).

The part that worries me the most (frankly the WHOLE thing worries me) is the following:

`(L) A semiautomatic rifle or shotgun originally designed for military or law enforcement use, or a firearm based on the design of such a firearm, that is not particularly suitable for sporting purposes, as determined by the Attorney General. In making the determination, there shall be a rebuttable presumption that a firearm procured for use by the United States military or any Federal law enforcement agency is not particularly suitable for sporting purposes, and a firearm shall not be determined to be particularly suitable for sporting purposes solely because the firearm is suitable for use in a sporting event.'.

This allows government to "define" on the fly what firearm is "suitable" for the peasants to have. How nice of them...

Guess it's time to stock up.

Luckily for us this has no co-sponsors as yet (or none brave enough). My take is that this may not pass as the politicians are aware that trust for the government is at an all time low (what with the Haliburton/FEMA camps being built for our protection). I fear that while this one may not pass, that after the next presidential election that a FAR worse bill will be proposed essentially evicerating the Second Amendment (as if it wasn't slowly dying already).

Thursday, February 22, 2007


Looks like the "myspace site" for the Brady bunch is bogus - in fact looks like someone hacked it AND the Brady site (or so the rumor mill says).

So folks nothing to see here - move along.

However, one posting had me laughing (it was a mean laugh - but a laugh none the less):

(the below postings which appeared on the so-called "Brady blog" refers to Sarah buying a gun for her son a few years back - YES it did REALLY happen)


Sarah Brady even bougth one a few years ago for her son.

Posted by Frank on Wednesday, February 21, 2007 at 1:17 PM
[Reply to this]

Did she manage to hit him, or was it a wasted purchase?

Posted by Brady Campaign Blog on Wednesday, February 21, 2007 at 1:18 PM
[Reply to this]


Now that, dear friends, is comedy and proof that the site is bogus or hacked (take your pick).

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The Brady's go blogging about the "deadly" .22


(Sarah Brady you are a moron)

Monday, February 19, 2007

Here it comes, here it comes...

And they said that we have nothing to be nervous about?

Just one thing I'll throw out there on a "positive" note. If we can't pacify Iraq, a nation MUCH smaller than the US - where the ill trained terrorists can't even shoot straight - what hope do government forces have against the armed populace resisting "domestic" oppression?

Anyone remember the military oath?

"...against all enemies foreign and DOMESTIC..."

Not one firearm owner that I know really wants to fight the government - we'd rather be left alone to "battle" using our legislative process. The question is, will our government be the one to push us into a conflict?

Anyone remember Claire Wolfe's comment about the "awkward stage"? It may be that we are moving beyond it.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Epilogue by Adler Eisenbruder

Again, I am pleased to present another fine posting by Adler Eisenbruder:


I have tried thus far to present the case that the second amendment is exactly what it appears on it's face, the right of the citizenry of America to keep and bear arms. I hope that my points have made some sense in the prospect of bolstering a friendly reader’s position and even perhaps causing someone of differing opinions to give the second amendment a new think. I would like to finish off with a perspective of what to do now. I feel there are several avenues on which to proceed positively to strengthen the second amendment and insulate it from an encroaching government that at times treats it as the pesky civil right. First, as many people as possible should be encouraged to take up target shooting as well as skeet shooting. Try to start a range in your area if there isn’t one. If there is one, support it. If a military range is available, see if you can sponsor a club. Help BSA camps to have year round access to rifle and shotgun ranges. Get a decent target rifle and perfect your skills. Become involved in Olympic shooting sports as a fan. Know the players and support them, spread the word about them, invite them to clinics etc. Don’t forget the Winter Olympics sport shooting events. Become an expert on the firearms you own. Learn some rudimentary gunsmithing. The plains Indians learned to adapt the rifles they possessed, replacing the metalbands with rawhide, which made a lighter more maneuverable calvary rifle that some regarded as better than the original U.S. issue. Take a course on making reloads. Check out black powder kits as a sidehobby from your regular firearm. Take a look at Garret’s research on the Pedersen inventions.

Remember Garret’s admonition “where there’s a will there’s a way”. These are some ways that I believe will strengthen the second amendment. The more people that own and use guns, the more difficult it will be for the anti-gun lobby. I’d like to finish off with two anecdotes. First, after the treaty of Versailles, the German airforce was cut down to nearly nothing. How then did the Germans have so many Messerschmidt pilots at the beginning of the Second World War? They simply started glider clubs all over Germany. Perfectly legal yet effective practice for pilots. Hence target shooting.

Secondly, I lived at one time in a very tough neighborhood in Riverside California. One Sunday afternoon as my family returned home from church the police had blocked off our street. I sent my family into the house and I walked down to where a crowd of my neighbors were standing. Out of a backyard came a stretcher bearing a shirtless, handcuffed man. He was wounded. I quickly found out that he wasn’t from around our area and had come to our neighborhood to shoot his estranged wife. As they brought him by our group one of our number yelled out, “We’ve got you marked. Don’t come back here. We’ve all got guns!” A cop just smiled as they loaded him up. Minutemen, for sure. I appreciate the opportunity to express myself, using the first amendment to defend the second. I would also like to hear from any of you concerning this crucial matter and what can be done to ensure the continuation of all our constitutional rights. Thank you for your kind consideration and Garret for his patience.

A. Eisenbruder

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

...and the media joins in the blood dance

Now forgive me for asking this...but is it me, or is the media trying to provide an "excuse" for the pile of human feces that carried out the Trolley Square attack?

Umm...MSNBC you need to pull your head out of your anal orifice* and realize that murder is a heinous act that is not excusable. It certainly isn't going to be accepted any time soon by the survivors (especially to the family members that lost a loved one).

*trying to cut down on the "language" on the site, I know some of you have kids.


By the way, I was changing stations on the radio, and ended up listening albeit briefly to NPR (KUER here in Utah). Doug Fabrizio, who runs the evening program had one of his "experts" on who claimed that civilians have neither the skill or ability to have averted the tragedy in Trolley Square. She (I don't remember her name) went as far as to sarcastically question why CWP (Concealed Weapons Permit) holders never stop these incidents from happening.

I tried to call the show, only to find that it was a rebroadcast. My comment would have been: "quite naturally all these horrendous attacks occur where guns are discouraged or outright prohibited!!!"

When was the last time you heard of a shootout at the NRA Convention, police station or at a gunshow? The criminal would have a lifespan of about 1-2 seconds before being converted spontaneously to human hamburger.

Also folks, some of us "civilians" DO have access to tactical training and have been in the military (where you face far more horrible threats than a street punk with a Glock and an attitude (Not referring to Trolley Square).

This will be the last post I make about the Trolley Square incident, I'm tired of recieving emails about how I don't know what I'm talking about, or how I'm insensitive to the person who carried out the act (Yes, I actually recieved one that said I should not judge the scumbag). Tell you what, you take your "feelings" and next time a gunman shows up with the intent to do harm - stick your head between your legs and let Darwin take his due as you obviously don't value life (yours or others) enough to have the desire to continue respirating.

Now in conclusion, I happen to respect LEOs a great deal. They do take great risks, and some of them are very close friends. The officer that did take on (alone no less) the madman at Trolley Square is a hero - no doubt about it. However, those that claim that LEOs have some magic ability with a gun that a civilian could never have are living in a fantasy world of their own.


Coming up, we'll have another article posted by Eisenbruder that he has been kind enough to send...stay tuned.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

And so they shamelessly dance in the blood of the innocent...

The Brady Bunch have decided to again use the horrible Tolley Square (Utah) tragedy as a call to arms for their socialist agenda.

I live about 30 minutes from the Trolley Square mall, and it is situated in one of the MOST liberal parts of Salt Lake City (AKA "Little 'Frisco" in certain circles - for the politics in the area). This is also one of the few malls in Utah that features a "NO GUNS ALLOWED" sign on their doors so I rarely (if ever) frequent the mall. Guess that sign really helped...

What happened was horrible, undeniably - but to call for additional gun restrictions (as the Brady's and the local mayor - Rocky Anderson) is to doom more people to the same fate. You see, the ONLY people stopped by "NO GUNS ALLOWED" signs are the law abiding, the Concealed Carry holders - that could/would have ended the life of the bastard that carried out this heinous crime BEFORE he slaughtered those innocents.

Amazingly, I have heard dozens of times on both radio and local blogs that people are planning to obtain a firearm and concealed carry permit. One older lady on the radio stated (to the best of my recollection) that she hated guns in the past, but considering how long it took the police to show up (by all reports several minutes - and ALOT can happen in a single minute), she now wants to purchase a firearm and carry permit. The "sheeple" are waking up - this is good, but the cost to wake them up, one that should not have been paid.

Sadly, I fear that most will forget this incident within a year, just like the L.A riots, Katrina infinitum...

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Why we must NEVER be like England...

Read it and weep

Seriously, what in the BLOODY HELL is going on with the British Government? Wait...could it be rampant socialism???

This is why we CANNOT allow this country to fall into socialism, regardless if it comes from either party (DEMONcrats or RATpublicans).

Now, I do know that there are MANY decent folks in Jolly Old England. Now do you poor folks understand what happens when you let your government disarm you?

My advice, the same advice given to me one upon a time by a cop - SHOOT, SHOVEL, SHUT UP!

...sadly, I fear that the British population has become a lion too long kept in a cage, and it may be too late for any of them to care.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Yet another one gets it right...

I present to you all another incredible article (written by another) that clearly indicates what could (soon?) happen to our country if we don't get our heads screwed on right.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

The Brady Campaign siding with socialists? Say it aint so...

Ah, yes the "Brady Bunch"...While I feel for Sarah - her husband was indeed shot by a madman - she has become mad (read: insane) herself and now has a vendetta against all those who DID NOT cause her husband's injury. You see, the Brady Campaign now associates far more openly with socialist causes than they did before and has even produced a cartoon subtly calling for the invasion of America! At one point the video states "send in the peacekeepers", the common term for the U.N. armed forces.

You can see it yourself at this link

While I am somewhat lukewarm about linking to their material, what I want to stand out in your minds is the fact that they are openly SUPPORTING the invasion of America by a foreign army. You may think this is a harsh statement, but watch the video for yourself - the Brady Campaign support the message of the video enough to host it on their site.

Not that the U.N. "peacekeepers" would get 100 yards down the road in most "free" U.S. cities before being torn to pieces by the civilians WITH guns.

I can just see it: "don't fire until you see the BLUE of their helmets..." (*laughs*)

Another note from the same page:

H.R. 5005 — Oppose
Would weaken ATF enforcement power, limit access to crime gun trace data, and loosen restictions on the importation of non-sporting firearms.

Read it with me folks - the Second Amendment has NOTHING to do with "sporting" firearms. Not to mention that the U.N. troops wouldn't have much of a "sporting" chance on U.S. soil anyways - after seeing the firearms that some of my neighbor's own they would quite likely "soil" themselves...

Friday, February 02, 2007

Part II - Power to the people

Again, I am pleased to post part II of the thoughts of our guest writer "Eisenbruder":

Power to the People Part II
by A. Eisenbruder

When the British marched on Lexington and Concord
they were dressed in the regal red of the Empire. Upon
their brows they wore the death’s head cap, skull and
bones, which exclaimed Death or Glory. These were
serious soldiers who had not many years earlier stood
shoulder to shoulder with some of the American
colonists’ finest men against the French and Indian
forces. Now they marched to capture ‘rebel’ munitions.
Those who stood against them were the local farmers
and merchants, the men ready “in a minute” to defend
their rights. They were ready to die and to cause
death in the defense of town, family, and freedom.
Though not well trained in the art of war they were
also serious men who brought their own muskets and
rifles to form a line against the redcoats. Some
modern scholars have tried to imply that the
revolution was merely the attempt of wealthy
capitalist elite landowners to set up a government
that would make them more wealthy. The farmers who
waited for the advancing British were middle class or
lower, and surely had much to lose in this bold
venture. Lands, savings, and their very lives.
They knew their weapons intimately. Their firearms
provided game for food, but most importantly
protection. Protection from marauders of any ilk,
whether Indian or white.
These same farmers with their own firearms continued
to enlist to battle the British until freedom was
purchased. Many paid the ultimate sacrifice for the
freedom I and my family enjoy today.
When amendments were added to the Constitution, it
was recognized as a reality by the framers, that the
people had a right to bear arms to protect and defend
themselves whether from the hostile forces present in
any society, or the tyranny of government that refused
to acknowledge the will of the people. The framers did
not say, “Farmer John, now that we are a nation you
can turn in your firearms. The constables will
safeguard us now”. On the contrary, they sought to
protect Farmer John’s right to bear arms. The
constable can’t live at your house or business to
protect you from the bad 'uns. You are the first line
of defense.
Amazingly today, the government says in times of
disaster the people must be prepared. They talk of 72
hour kits, and first aid training, blood donations
etc. They tell us that in an emergency you can’t
really depend on governmental agencies so you should
have some emergency food and water to sustain you
until help arrives. But some don’t want you to have
what the framers knew was essential in any
catastrophic emergency. The right to bear arms for
home defense. As I related in my last attempt, neither
the National Guard nor the local police can protect
everyone in an emergency.
Fortunately the Constitution framers could see the
value of such an amendment for the future generations
of America. No government can lightly dismiss American
gun owners. We’ve got the Constitution on our side.
Sadly, there are some who think this right is
outmoded. “The framers never envisioned machine guns,
tanks, jet fighters, yada yada.” But they did. They
knew that progress would take place in all fields of
human endeavor, including firearms. They had cannons,
grenades, ships of the line and so forth. They would
never be so ignorant as to conclude we’d be using
muskets forever. These intelligent souls understood
the nature of man, and that’s why a three branch check
and balance government was set up. It ensured that the
people were represented and couldn't be overwhelmed by
one powerful branch.
The greatest check and balance is the second
amendment. It gives real power to the people who can
check the government. A well armed population cannot
be easily subjugated by foreign or domestic hostiles.
The right to bear arms is essential to a free