Saturday, February 03, 2007

The Brady Campaign siding with socialists? Say it aint so...

Ah, yes the "Brady Bunch"...While I feel for Sarah - her husband was indeed shot by a madman - she has become mad (read: insane) herself and now has a vendetta against all those who DID NOT cause her husband's injury. You see, the Brady Campaign now associates far more openly with socialist causes than they did before and has even produced a cartoon subtly calling for the invasion of America! At one point the video states "send in the peacekeepers", the common term for the U.N. armed forces.

You can see it yourself at this link

While I am somewhat lukewarm about linking to their material, what I want to stand out in your minds is the fact that they are openly SUPPORTING the invasion of America by a foreign army. You may think this is a harsh statement, but watch the video for yourself - the Brady Campaign support the message of the video enough to host it on their site.

Not that the U.N. "peacekeepers" would get 100 yards down the road in most "free" U.S. cities before being torn to pieces by the civilians WITH guns.

I can just see it: "don't fire until you see the BLUE of their helmets..." (*laughs*)

Another note from the same page:

H.R. 5005 — Oppose
Would weaken ATF enforcement power, limit access to crime gun trace data, and loosen restictions on the importation of non-sporting firearms.

Read it with me folks - the Second Amendment has NOTHING to do with "sporting" firearms. Not to mention that the U.N. troops wouldn't have much of a "sporting" chance on U.S. soil anyways - after seeing the firearms that some of my neighbor's own they would quite likely "soil" themselves...


At 10:54 AM, Blogger BobG said...

That was one of the most obnoxious, untruthful, insulting cartoons I have ever seen.

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