Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Why we must NEVER be like England...

Read it and weep

Seriously, what in the BLOODY HELL is going on with the British Government? Wait...could it be rampant socialism???

This is why we CANNOT allow this country to fall into socialism, regardless if it comes from either party (DEMONcrats or RATpublicans).

Now, I do know that there are MANY decent folks in Jolly Old England. Now do you poor folks understand what happens when you let your government disarm you?

My advice, the same advice given to me one upon a time by a cop - SHOOT, SHOVEL, SHUT UP!

...sadly, I fear that the British population has become tamed...like a lion too long kept in a cage, and it may be too late for any of them to care.


At 9:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is insane, but I have to wonder why it is that voting Britons put up with this? Do they, or do they not, have the ability to vote this nonsense out of existence? Granted, the socialist government is a problem, but who put them there and keeps them there? Socialists qua socialists should not be any surprise to anyone who knows anything about the real world. I strongly suspect that Britons, like any persons who votes for socialism, are naive at the philosophical level about the reality of socialism, but I guess they are now getting a priceless education.


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