Wednesday, April 25, 2007's happening quickly now

"If the government gives you the right to bear arms, the government can give you restrictions on how you handle yourself to have the right to bear arms. And my bill doesn't do anything to hurt anybody. It's just a registry so we can find out who's buying, who's selling, who has at all times."

Rep. Angel Cruz

Just an idea Angel, but you may want to...oh I dunno...actually READ the Constitution that you took an oath to uphold. The right to bear arms is NOT granted by the government, the Constitution is a set of limits ON the government. The right to bear arms and the rest of the Constitution is granted to mankind by it's Creator (or so said several of the Founding Fathers).

Also Angel, before you start calling for a police investigation into the actions of patriots upset with your UNCONSTITUTIONAL and TRAITOROUS actions you may want to be careful. After all, it appears that your actions...YOUR actions...have made people angry enough to hang you from the Tree of Liberty.

It also appears that Congressman Dennis Kucinich wants to completely ban handguns. This of course, does two things that some of the leaders of this nation want to see:

1. Eviscerates the CONSTITUTION (good luck "defending" the Constitution without means)
2. Fulfills the Communist Manifesto (My advice Google it...for the record Dennis is a Red)

Congressman Dennis Kucinich is also the "genius" that brought you legislation to establish a Department of Peace and Nonviolence AKA "Big Brother" (see my earlier entries on this).

We are in a very awkward state in this nation, we are in a "cold" culture war. Politicians fear it becoming "hot" for then it is known by a different name - Civil War - so politicians will do all in their power to disarm the people now before the people are pushed too far. Again, pray that this nation never goes that far.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

9mm vs. 40+ caliber

I happen to like both the .40 and 9mm calibres. I used to own a Springfield Armory micro compact (.45 calibre) and it was absolutely horrible in terms of accuracy. I kid you not, at 25 feet I couldn't hit a human sized silhouette target - and have absolutely no problems hitting it 9 out of 9 times with a Glock 27 (far more recoil than the .45 - In my humble opinion). Anyway, I sold the Springfield pistol due to the problems I had with it.

Now, the purpose of this article is not to discuss what I used to have and shoot, or do currently have and shoot, but to direct you to an interesting forum entry by a technician (performs autopsies) that works at the Atlanta Georgia Morgue. He goes on to discuss his observations on calibre and efficiency. Please note, there were at my counting 20+ pages...and they just get more interesting based on his observations of weapon type:

1. Shotgun
2. Rifle
3. Pistol (last resort)

Just for the record, I would NEVER feel underarmed with a 9mm carry piece. Of course, your mileage may vary...

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Ban the DRUGS! Not the GUNS!

No, I'm not going to hash it out about the anti-gun nuts and the Virginia Tech massacre. Would a Concealed Carry holder have stopped the killer from killing - no, but he certainly would have been well ventilated long before he arrived at the number he did.

Have a look at this

Don't ban guns! Looks like we need to ban anti-depressants and some of the other mind numbing drugs used to screw up our children. You just have to love far leftist logic - let's not actually work on RESOLVING the underlying issues that someone has, let's just dope them into "normalcy" or whatever society accepts as normal.

Last question, why do ALL of these issues happen in "gun free zones"? Do any aspiring antisocial manic depressant wannabes (that's a technical term - sort of) really want to take on a group of Marines on base (fully armed)? No...that's why such never happens - it always happens where guns are not common or outright banned!

OK - enough of that, I've said enough about Virginia Tech


In other news: A piece of pure comedy - CongressDemon McCarthy who is bringing you the next incarnation of her socialist weapons ban (the link is worth reading) doesn't even know what is in her ban!!!

See the video of her greatest blunder yet! (this is priceless!)

Friday, April 13, 2007

Just what we need...another agency...

This can't be good...

See what a runaway Democrat congress gets you (not that Republicans are that much better)!

Look closely at some of the fun stuff brought to you by your "loving" socialist overlords:

Sec. 101. Establishment of Department of Peace and Nonviolence. (Politically correct name for a dozen more Wacos and the "wussification" of America)
Sec. 102. Responsibilities and powers. (Responsibility...from this group? Don't make me laugh)
Sec. 103. Principal officers.
Sec. 104. Office of Peace Education and Training. (Your U.N tax dollars at work - brought you you by France)
Sec. 105. Office of Domestic Peace Activities. (AKA round up all the gun owners)
Sec. 106. Office of International Peace Activities. (AKA lets "un-educate" and drug your children so they won't "resist")
Sec. 107. Office of Technology for Peace. (to make the drugs to control you AND your children - and to make other advances to subdue the population)
Sec. 108. Office of Arms Control and Disarmament. (We have the gun owners in FEMA/prison camps - let's go get their guns too! - You don't really think they'll stop at large scale weapons do you?)

Have a look at section 102 (see above) section 5:

(5) analyze existing policies, employ successful, field-tested programs, and develop new approaches for dealing with the implements of violence, including gun-related violence and the overwhelming presence of handguns; I'm not buying that this "office of arms control and disarmament is going to stop at nuclear weapons.

Sec. 109. Office of Peaceful Coexistence and Nonviolent Conflict Resolution. (Prepare to either live as a Frenchman during WWII or prepare to convert to Islam)
Sec. 110. Office of Human Rights and Economic Rights. (from this crowd??? Again, don't make me laugh)
Sec. 111. Intergovernmental Advisory Council on Peace and Nonviolence. (Islam preparation and initiation classes)
Sec. 112. Consultation required. (Don't have any snappy comments for this one)
Sec. 113. Authorization of appropriations. (More taxpayer dollars = more bureaucracy)

This blows my mind...

Q. Any guesses on when the mainstream media is going to tell the public about this one?

A. That would be when it's too late!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Ammo Shortages???

For those of you who have paying attention, ammo prices are rising fast. I would advise you all to STOCK UP NOW (if you can). Because it's getting bad...really bad.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Great editorial over at

Dave just launched one out of the ballpark with his latest editorial.

I strongly suggest everyone read it!

Good stuff.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

No matter who wins...we lose

I'm tired.

I'm tired of voting for the lesser of two evils. I'm tired of politicians not listening to their constituents and not sealing the borders. I'm tired of bureaucrats deciding what THEY think the constitution means - and not actually reading it. I'm tired of the media circus over who will be the next president and the "greatness" they will restore to this nation (read: the Constitution which they will violate in new and traitorous ways).

I'm just tired.

All the recent candidates are a joke. All (that I have seen) are either wolves in sheep's clothing, or don't even bother with the sheep disguise. Let's analyze a few shall we:

Hillary Clinton: Socialist of the lowest order. While her husband clearly deserves a traitors fate, if she becomes president...well...the grand experiment of this glorious nation is over - I'd guess within the first 6 months.

Obama: All flash, no substance and a "kinder, gentler" socialist.

Romney: While it's virtually guaranteed that he'll get Utah and Idaho's vote - it's only because the folks there will just look at his religion and NOT his track record. His record on gun rights - any consitutional rights for that matter - is abysmal. This moron had the audacity to show up at a gunshow and then try to confuse the issue on firearm ownership after all his years of voting AGAINST gun ownership. In short, he's a Christian socialist (is that even possible?).

Giuliani: The republican golden child which would disarm us all, and then make us take tests to establish "why we need a gun". Ask yourself if he doesn't have the ability to work out problems with his wife (wives?) before divorcing them and fornicating with whoever is his flavor of the week - how in the HELL can he be trusted to control himself dealing with foreign and domestic policy?

Tancredo: least he'd fight to seal the borders (that would count for something). Will those on the SPP panel and those in high places ever let him run? Doubtful.

Insert misc. third party candidate: Never happen, not without something major happening that none of us (with half a brain) want to see.

We're stuck for the near future with candidates who could care less about the people they are elected to protect and this nation that they SHOULD be making stronger. Such candidates/politicians are too busy making money, pandering to the UN, associating with terrorists (and kissing up to them too), and in general playing with fire while destroying our constitution.

In short, no matter who wins - we lose.


Update 4-5-07

Romney created a PERMANENT "assault weapons" ban in Massachusetts...just in case you didn't already know - and just recently signed up for a NRA lifetime membership??? Silly me, I thought nothing could top the stupidity demonstrated by Kerry in the last elections - guess I was wrong.