Scary movies aren't scary...the future is...
I've been seeing some very well thought out/written blog material from those trying to wake the people up. Sadly, this fantasic material will never see the light of day on CNN, FoxNews etc.
I again urge you to read the posting found on Armed and Christian (see below) and a new one that was just sent to me:
John Galt
Some of his writings may seem very alarmist - but I strongly believe very...VERY probable.
That is scary stuff, but only because it is so very probable and I can see how the groundwork has been laid to bring it about.
We must be determined to be as creative, committed, and as implacable as our enemy.
I took a group of Boy Scouts to an indoor range. They shot .22 rifles and pistols and had a geat time. Support your local range. Take a friend who has never used a firearm. Chances are he or she will get hooked.
At the same range a buff guy was popping out a quarter sized pattern with his 9mm pistol. He told us later after we complimented his steady aim that a gal asked him for his used targets. She wanted to hang them up on her apartment window to scare off the gang bangers.
Nobody at the range was a wacko that the lefties like to portray. Nice polite guys. They sold firearms also including the .22 cricket rifles my scouts were quite taken with. Also they rangew seemed like a good date. Several guys came in with their girl friends to learn how to shoot. Support your local range.
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