Wednesday, April 04, 2007

No matter who wins...we lose

I'm tired.

I'm tired of voting for the lesser of two evils. I'm tired of politicians not listening to their constituents and not sealing the borders. I'm tired of bureaucrats deciding what THEY think the constitution means - and not actually reading it. I'm tired of the media circus over who will be the next president and the "greatness" they will restore to this nation (read: the Constitution which they will violate in new and traitorous ways).

I'm just tired.

All the recent candidates are a joke. All (that I have seen) are either wolves in sheep's clothing, or don't even bother with the sheep disguise. Let's analyze a few shall we:

Hillary Clinton: Socialist of the lowest order. While her husband clearly deserves a traitors fate, if she becomes president...well...the grand experiment of this glorious nation is over - I'd guess within the first 6 months.

Obama: All flash, no substance and a "kinder, gentler" socialist.

Romney: While it's virtually guaranteed that he'll get Utah and Idaho's vote - it's only because the folks there will just look at his religion and NOT his track record. His record on gun rights - any consitutional rights for that matter - is abysmal. This moron had the audacity to show up at a gunshow and then try to confuse the issue on firearm ownership after all his years of voting AGAINST gun ownership. In short, he's a Christian socialist (is that even possible?).

Giuliani: The republican golden child which would disarm us all, and then make us take tests to establish "why we need a gun". Ask yourself if he doesn't have the ability to work out problems with his wife (wives?) before divorcing them and fornicating with whoever is his flavor of the week - how in the HELL can he be trusted to control himself dealing with foreign and domestic policy?

Tancredo: least he'd fight to seal the borders (that would count for something). Will those on the SPP panel and those in high places ever let him run? Doubtful.

Insert misc. third party candidate: Never happen, not without something major happening that none of us (with half a brain) want to see.

We're stuck for the near future with candidates who could care less about the people they are elected to protect and this nation that they SHOULD be making stronger. Such candidates/politicians are too busy making money, pandering to the UN, associating with terrorists (and kissing up to them too), and in general playing with fire while destroying our constitution.

In short, no matter who wins - we lose.


Update 4-5-07

Romney created a PERMANENT "assault weapons" ban in Massachusetts...just in case you didn't already know - and just recently signed up for a NRA lifetime membership??? Silly me, I thought nothing could top the stupidity demonstrated by Kerry in the last elections - guess I was wrong.


At 10:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. We are not France
2. We are yet a nation of Faith
3. 1/3 of the American colonists were patriots who stood against the other 2/3's who either didn't care or sided with Britain and they won.
4. Prewar Britain dumped Churchill for Chamberlain, then begged him to lead during war.
5. Will it take another 9-11? Probably. The cowards will climb under their beds and the valiant will step forward, again.
6. Death before dhimmitude!

At 10:32 AM, Blogger BobG said...

The two parties are starting to look more and more alike; how is Giuliani any different than a democrat?

At 11:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Romney: While it's virtually guaranteed that he'll get Utah and Idaho's vote - it's only because the folks there will just look at his religion and NOT his track record."

This is simply not true. I live in Utah and I am of the LDS faith. We are Americans foremost, like everyone else, and care about the same issues. No one I know votes without looking at ALL of the issues. While a candidate's faith may play a significant role, how they practice it is not such a huge factor. I, like most LDS AND non-LDS people of faith, simply applaud the fact that a candidate HAS a belief system that they'll stand behind. But that clearly isn't enough. You don't seem to be giving Mormons enough credit.

I wholly agree with the remainder of your sentiments, and the fact that Romney has flip-flopped on the gun issue is appalling. I'd love someone to confront him on that issue and see what he says. Perhaps Rush or Glenn Beck. As a matter of fact, I'd love to hear ALL the candidates explain their position on that issue, particularly with an interviewer who can make the Left's general position sound as dumb as it is.

At 8:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think it IS possible to have a Christian socialist. But Romney's not a Christian. He's a Mormon, and the two are NOT the same, in spite of outward appearances.

However, this is of little importance in the political spectrum. The author is right. There is no reason to vote this election, unless Ron Paul, or Fred Thompson, runs.


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