Sunday, January 28, 2007

Guest writer posting #1

Today you are all in for a special treat. As I told you, a special guest writer who goes by the pen-name "Eisenbruder" has kindly written a wonderful posting on his ideas on the Second Amendment.


It’s All About Power to the People part I by Adler

I have never written or published before this time
on any subject, let alone firearms and the second
amendment. My main experience with the same was during
my enlistment in the Marine Corps in 1969 (not a
popular thing for most college students back in the
day). I qualified as an expert on the range and
enjoyed shooting both the M-14 (which I preferred) and
the M-16. I stayed away from guns afterwards, though I
was offered an opportunity to go down to Central
America with some mercs in the early 80’s. I, like
many people who have had training respected firearms
but felt no real need to have one in the home. The MSM
did a good job of publishing every gun accident and
child fatality and I didn’t want to risk it until
something very dramatic happened. That was the Rodney
King riots in L.A. The point was dramatically made
that during that massive riot the police were held
hostage in their own station houses trying to protect
themselves while the general folks were on their own.
And they were on their own for days until the National
Guard got it’s sorry act together (not the soldiers,
mind you, the pin head politicians). Stores and
businesses were looted and destroyed. Innocent
citizens were dragged from their vehicles, and
vendettas were carried out. The City of Angels was
aflame and it wasn’t stopped for days.
I remembered that scared feeling of uncertainty,
since the riots spread across towns and even state
lines. Would my family be safe? Fortunately, the Guard
finally quelled the destruction. I remember that time
well. The MSM who reported gun deaths now showed me
what happens when our police aren’t enough. But I
also saw something else. Korean gun shop owners doing
what the cops couldn’t. Protecting themselves and
their property.
Time passed, and a new trial was in progress, the
O.J. trial. There was concerns that another riot would
hit Southern California no matter the verdict . This
time I decided I couldn’t depend on the government to
effectively protect my family. Time was critical. I
went to a local sporting goods store that sold guns. I
knew I wanted a rifle, but I discovered a “waiting
period “ for gun registration. The dealer sensing my
urgency steered me to a rack of old Enfields. Because
they were military collectibles I could take it home
right then. I purchased the best one in the rack and
some 303 ammo and went home. I disassembled it and
cleaned it to USMC standards. I knew it was only a
bolt action with a 10 round mag, but at least I had
something. Something I knew how to use if needed. I
prayed that I wouldn’t, and thank God, never had too.
There were no riots. But I was empowered.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

I will not recant!

"To go against conscience is neither right nor safe. I cannot, and I will not recant. Here I stand. I can do no other. God help me".

-Martin Luther

The above quote sums up rather nicely what I feel about my site and belief in the complete Bill of Rights.

I have been receiving a series of rather unpleasant emails from certain individuals who believe that "people like [myself] are dinosaurs who live in a world where [I] stand in the way of peace". Some of their quotes were not nearly so mature and they even resorted to extremely foul language and even threats.

Let me make this clear:

You have the right to say what you will because I (and all of us) have the right to own weapons!

I will not change my beliefs because you find them distasteful. I will not recant...

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Where there's a will...There's a way

In a complete lack of social order (SHTF) or even war, for that matter, one will always want to have the ability to deliver an effective rate of fire. John Pedersen fulfilled that need back in 1917.

Now before you all go out to modify your rifles (or as I'm fond of calling them - your Homeland defense weapons) - Remember the F-troop (BATF) and FBI do not like people modifying their weapons to be more effective. They throw tantrums and tend to kill innocent pregnant women, kill your dogs, steal your guns, kidnap kids at gun point and get away with it.

(ok..deep breath Garrett...deep breath - relax!)

As I was saying, the Pedersen device granted the US soldier the ability to deliver a rate of fire that allowed them greater destructive ability against their enemy. There supposedly are a few in civilian hands, but I'm curious how hard it would be to make one.

Now, I'm not saying I will make one, I'm just curious how complex the design was and what would be involved. Anyone out there know?


It's late, I'm tired, but you are all in for a treat. Coming soon we will have a special guest writer that has kindly offered to write some very telling articles for this site about the "state" of this country and how it has changed.

Please be aware that while I do comment on issues primarily firearm related, not all of these upcoming articles will be related to that topic. However, I do guarantee that they are likely to make you think about our past, our present and our future.

Always a good idea...

While I prepare some fascinating information for you about mankind ingenuity (The Pedersen Device), one thing that every patriot should have is decent emergency supply of food and water. Katrina should have taught you something!

While it is not my style to offer advertising for others, I would like all of you to have a look at the following link:

Survival Enterprises

They are offering some awesome deals on cases of freeze dried food! You can buy a case (6 cans) of #10 cans (about the size of a paint can and make 25-29 cups of food when reconstituted) for about $35-40 dollars.

Remember, in order to NOT be dependent on the government, you must be able to depend on yourself!

Monday, January 15, 2007

I could not have said it better myself...really!

This is some fine writing!

This is what awaits us...

For the first time I found these quotes by Bill Clinton. Don't think for a second that Hillary (or any other leftist/democrat - and some republicans) feel any different:

"The purpose of government is to rein in the rights of the people" -- President Bill Clinton (on MTV)

"If the personal freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution inhibit the government's ability to govern the people, we should look to limit those guarantees." -- President Bill Clinton 8/12/93 (Speech)

"We can't be so fixated on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary Americans"
President Bill Clinton at press conference in Piscataway NJ 3/1/93, Boston Globe 3/2/93 & USA Today 3/11/93

"...When we got organized as a country and we wrote a fairly radical Constitution with a radical Bill of Rights, giving a radical amount of individual freedom to Americans, it was assumed that the Americans who had that freedom would use it responsibly....[However, now] there's a lot of irresponsibility. And so a lot of people say there's too much freedom. When personal freedom's being abused, you have to move to limit it."
President Bill Clinton on MTV "Enough is Enough" 3/22/94

"You know the one thing that's wrong with this country? Everyone gets a chance to have their fair say." -- President Bill Clinton

You see...this is what awaits us if we don't stand up for our rights - and lest you think that only your 2nd amendment rights are at stake, read this gem by Sarah Brady:

"I don't believe gun owners have rights."
Sarah Brady, Hearst Newspapers Special Report "Handguns in America", October 1997

Now, excuse me...I just threw up in my mouth.

*As an can tell today that I am in a rather "ticked off" mood - see what watching the news does to you?

Circling the toilet bowl...

Just another day if our wonderful nation where our newly empowered leftist overlords are deciding that they now don't want to hear from their constituents:

Click and weep

After all, if you were elected to serve the people - but would rather submit a socialist agenda you can't have the peasants complaining! (Sarcasm intended)

Well, this should get interesting! Your homework tonight, look up the McCain/Feingold act and then ask yourself - If they don't give a damn about the 1st Amendment, how long will the 2nd last?

Friday, January 12, 2007

.308 goodness!

Well, let's all hope for the best - that our leftist overlords will not reauthorize an AWB (Assault Weapons Ban) before these hit the market:

Kel-tec's new .308 Bullpup

Yes, I know that Kel-tec is known for their budget-build handguns. However, if what I have read is accurate, this new rifle that they are producing may be a real winner.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Random Thought #2,567

"If the personal freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution inhibit the government's ability to govern the people, we should look to limit those guarantees."

- President Bill Clinton, August 12, 1993

I watched the news today (big mistake...I know) and realized in the media frenzy over how "wonderful" Nancy Pelosi is and how "incredible" it would be to have Hillary as President, how incredibly screwed as a nation we would be. Now, don't misunderstand. I knew before this poignant moment that this nation is "circling the toilet bowl" as it were, but to suddenly have an epiphany just how far this once great nation has fallen really can affect one's hope. It's sad that the nation into which I have brought a child, is now a nation that each passing day becomes more like our adversary (Russia) during the Cold War.

Make no mistakes my friends, the above quote by Bill Clinton is how the majority of the hard leftists in the Democrat and Republican party feel that this nation should be run. They call us many things: tin foil hat wearers, consiracy buffs, gun-nuts, survivalists...all titles meant to belittle us and make us appear to be less than we are. You, my friends are the future of this nation - let no one make you believe otherwise. Our rights are sacred, regardless if you believe in a Supreme Being or not, they were never meant to be taken away.

Keep your powder dry, do not fear our quasi-socialist leaders. Speak out, excercise your rights (especially your right to bear arms), raise your children to respect the Constitution even if they bear no respect for our current leadership.

Lastly, do not ever lose hope. The simple fact that our numerous antagonists must turn to propoganda and lies to make their point tells me they have not won yet. We are at war even if our current weapons are only words and ideas. Take heart, this is a war that we can yet win. They have not forced us to use other weapons...yet.