Friday, January 05, 2007

Random Thought #2,567

"If the personal freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution inhibit the government's ability to govern the people, we should look to limit those guarantees."

- President Bill Clinton, August 12, 1993

I watched the news today (big mistake...I know) and realized in the media frenzy over how "wonderful" Nancy Pelosi is and how "incredible" it would be to have Hillary as President, how incredibly screwed as a nation we would be. Now, don't misunderstand. I knew before this poignant moment that this nation is "circling the toilet bowl" as it were, but to suddenly have an epiphany just how far this once great nation has fallen really can affect one's hope. It's sad that the nation into which I have brought a child, is now a nation that each passing day becomes more like our adversary (Russia) during the Cold War.

Make no mistakes my friends, the above quote by Bill Clinton is how the majority of the hard leftists in the Democrat and Republican party feel that this nation should be run. They call us many things: tin foil hat wearers, consiracy buffs, gun-nuts, survivalists...all titles meant to belittle us and make us appear to be less than we are. You, my friends are the future of this nation - let no one make you believe otherwise. Our rights are sacred, regardless if you believe in a Supreme Being or not, they were never meant to be taken away.

Keep your powder dry, do not fear our quasi-socialist leaders. Speak out, excercise your rights (especially your right to bear arms), raise your children to respect the Constitution even if they bear no respect for our current leadership.

Lastly, do not ever lose hope. The simple fact that our numerous antagonists must turn to propoganda and lies to make their point tells me they have not won yet. We are at war even if our current weapons are only words and ideas. Take heart, this is a war that we can yet win. They have not forced us to use other weapons...yet.


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