Tuesday, July 31, 2007

...and some globalist don't even try to hide it...

Looks like "knee-jerk" reactions are back in style - brought to you by eBay!

Check out this line:

"This new update continues to encourage safety among our community members and brings our policies in the U.S. and Canada in closer alignment with our existing policies in other markets around the globe. "

I know that it's their site/their rules - but it just amazes me that those that build up businesses under the freedoms ONLY found in the U.S. would be so fast to comply with other nations that don't allow such freedoms.

FYI - I used to work for eBay waaay back (big mistake - I know) and even several years ago they were extremely anti gun. I had a 8x10 picture of Saddam on my desk that I had used for target practice and was told it was "threatening" to others and that if it was not removed I would be terminated. What a bunch of commies...

Friday, July 27, 2007

Why Romney WONT get my vote...

It's not religion (although he and I share the same faith), it's not his morals (although for the most part he appears to be the antithesis of Bill Clinton), it's his view on the Second Amendment.

"The Manchester GOP fundraiser is planned for next month at the Pelham Fish and Game Club. Those who attend will get the chance to shoot Uzis, M-16 rifles and other automatic weapons. But Romney said using a weapon is different from the owning one."

"I support the Second Amendment. I support the ban on (automatic weapons). They're not connected with a fundraising event where they're using weapons not available to the public."

And he's going to take an oath to uphold the Constitution???

Just an FYI (and no I'm not going to turn this into a religious discussion blog) - the LDS (Mormon) faith teaches that the United States Constitution is inspired by God - that includes the Second Amendment - so obviously Romney isn't that faithful in his beliefs (of course the same could be said of Reid). Just my opinion...

I guess that all the "wanna-be" presidential hopefuls obviously can't read English as not a one of them seems to understand the Constitution.

...and it's very plainly written...

Sunday, July 22, 2007

General Patton comments on the war on terror...

(I know, I know - but this is worth seeing by every American - Warning for some rough language - but Patton wasn't known for pulling punches...neither does the voice actor in the link below.)

See it here

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

England feels the burn...

Guess those folks in England shouldn't have let the government disarm them because all Hell has broken loose now.

In all fairness crime has increased exponentially in all of England since their "restrictions" on firearms ownership. Those "restrictions" joined with a legislature unwilling to protect their people has led to a country RULED by crime - they don't even jail shoplifters!!! They give them a ticket? But good heavens...200 robberies in 10 years?

The difference is that you rob a shop here (in select parts of the US), you don't get a ticket from the police - usually the shop owner "punches your ticket" and the only consolation prize thieves get (hopefully) is a couple of lilies and six feet of soil on their chest.

...and to think that England was once a great empire...

Dear friends, remember a good percentage of our government wants to restrict firearm ownership so we can be "civilized" *cough* pacified *cough* just like England.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Thought for the day #3451

"Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry".

– Thomas Jefferson


Ask yourself, what does the government have the right to, but you do not? Class III weapons? Destructive devices? Tyranny? There are so many that I wont even bother to list them here.

Food for thought.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy 4th of July everyone!

Not much to say in this post...but I wish you all a happy (and safe) 4th of July.