Tuesday, July 31, 2007

...and some globalist don't even try to hide it...

Looks like "knee-jerk" reactions are back in style - brought to you by eBay!

Check out this line:

"This new update continues to encourage safety among our community members and brings our policies in the U.S. and Canada in closer alignment with our existing policies in other markets around the globe. "

I know that it's their site/their rules - but it just amazes me that those that build up businesses under the freedoms ONLY found in the U.S. would be so fast to comply with other nations that don't allow such freedoms.

FYI - I used to work for eBay waaay back (big mistake - I know) and even several years ago they were extremely anti gun. I had a 8x10 picture of Saddam on my desk that I had used for target practice and was told it was "threatening" to others and that if it was not removed I would be terminated. What a bunch of commies...


At 9:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...and realizing that some items may have been purchased on E-Bay that were used in the tragedy of Virginia Tech... we have decided to make it even more difficult for John Q. Public to purchase items to protect themselves..." As Bugs Bunny would say, "What a maroon!"

Don't ever forget that commies got backing from rich guys seeking power like Engels and the Fabian socialists.

At 4:38 PM, Blogger Jay said...

What clowns. Glad you don't work there anymore. Hopefully you left to get better employment.


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