Sunday, July 22, 2007

General Patton comments on the war on terror...

(I know, I know - but this is worth seeing by every American - Warning for some rough language - but Patton wasn't known for pulling punches...neither does the voice actor in the link below.)

See it here


At 8:01 AM, Blogger Jay said...

Excellent. General Patton sure understood (and understands) what it takes to beat the enemy.

At 4:20 PM, Blogger William Bunker said...

Armed Females of America

Ron Paul for President 2008!
Praise Jesus Christ for eternity!

We are at a special point in our nation’s history. Never before have we been so close to absolute tyranny, and never before have we had the opportunity to advance humanity to the degree that we can today. Conventional TV news media will not wake you, but looking elsewhere you will find that there is a revolution going on all around you.

A majority of Americans want things that the natural free human wants. Bringing our soldiers home from Iraq, justice for and an answer to 9/11 in our court system, removal of corporate control, reduction or elimination of taxes, an end to economic colonialism, less funding for the military, impeachment, more focus on education and healthcare, and Ron Paul for president.

But many do not even know who or what these things are. These things should right themselves, and we should be enjoying life and loving one another. How can these things be made simple for us all to understand? Discussions with friends and loved ones, and new acquaintances, consumption of new kinds of media and information, and trusting your civil liberties will all lead you in the right directions.


Bravery will lead you to truth.

A Mr. John Kanzius of Pennsylvania found a way to make salt water burn. This can replace our need for oil, but it could bankrupt ExxonMobil and topple the Saudi Arabian government. Numerous other methods of energy production have been patented since the 1920’s.

At least 6 of the 19 hijackers from 9/11 are still alive. The FBI has not revised their accusations. You cannot trust the state.

Osama bin Laden was treated in a US hospital in Dubai in the summer before 9/11/2001. He was visited by the CIA. We are not interested in capturing Osama bin Laden.

Australia admitted that the war in Iraq is about oil. We are there to secure oil resources.

Dr Marion King Hubbert told us that world oil supplies would peak in 1995. This was before the 1973 and 1979 oil crises. The revised figure for peak oil is 2008. After this time, it will not be profitable for us to bring more oil to the market per day. This will elevate the price of oil. The one who controls most of the oil at this time, unless new technology is let into the public, will dictate the course of industrial development.

We decided to focus on defeating the Soviet Union economically in about 1968, when we decided that Vietnam was a grisly message of what total war with Russia and China would be. Since then we’ve been trying to conquer the economy of the entire world, through the WTO, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, oil resources and embargoes, technology, market colonies, and wars for resources instead of capitols. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, we have only enhanced our efforts, invading and controlling oil rich Iraq and expanding our World Bank programs and forming NAFTA programs with most nations and nation groups on earth.

We sold off our manufacturing base to Asia in the 1990’s and 2000’s because peak oil is approaching and the oil-driven factories will be useless then. If new technologies were exposed, peak oil would not be important and a major economic cinch would disappear. We would also lose that investment of our surrendered manufacturing base.

The world uses ~90 million barrels of oil every day. We can probably bring about 95 million barrels a day to the market in ideal conditions and call it profit. This figure has grown at a steady rate of 4% annually since 2000. Iran produces some ~4 million barrels of oil daily. Invading Iran would plunge us into peak oil today, triggering numerous financial crises.


In preparation for peak oil’s financial collapse, America has been borrowing money to the hilt and making reckless fiscal choices. The USD experienced thirty-five percent devaluation [inflation] from 2000-2005, and on July 24, 2007 the USD was worth less than the Canadian Dollar, from a nation that makes most of its money from our trade. Meanwhile, Americans face the greatest monetary crisis and job market since the Great Depression.

The George Guidestones and numerous other blasphemous monuments erected throughout America promote 10 concepts, beginning with human population reduction to 500 million. These stones are strongly linked to the Illuminati and Bohemian Grove groups, whose members include Henry Kissinger, Bill Clinton, the Bush family, royalty from the Netherlands, and the business leaders of many top 500 companies. When they meet, trillions of dollars spend time in one room. They plan our world’s future, and these messages and informations are what leaks out of them. They are the topmost secret plans of the wealth of humanity. The consequences of these meetings affect the lives of billions of people. The world is not run democratically, it is run by those who own the majority of the world’s resources.

There are about 4 to 5 corporations that control most of the world’s resources. When one company controls 51% of the world’s money, the game is over. That company has won, and all other things belong to it. They will have a controlling stake in earth’s resources. The Constitution and Bill of Rights are universal documents, and supersede ownership of any kind. Private ownership cannot overcome natural rights. Economic control will be the first to ‘unite’ the world, but loving social organization will be second, legitimate, and more powerful, and forever.

Using John Kanzius’ technologies we could eliminate the majority of the world’s expense and pollution from oil, reducing the cost of all goods, raising the value of wages, and raising economic productivity by 10X to 20X. [1000-2000%]. There would be no limit to the amount of economic material available in the world, and total economic control, as prophesied by the Bible near the endtimes, would be impossible. This would free mankind from control by other men, and who knows what they would do then. ß that is what the illuminati and the Bohemian Grovers and the world’s ruling elite truly fear. They would keep us in low-technology chains and kill us instead.

The solution to this is no one man. It is liberty for all men. Freedom of information and technology, intelligent discourse and freedom from control everywhere.


Ron Paul promotes these values. A vote for Ron Paul is a vote for life. Only you can set you free. He will not force us to free ourselves, but he is giving us the tools and the information to do it, and will do everything he can from his position to deliver liberty to humanity, as any good man should do.

Do your part and become educated on these topics, and tell others. Own a gun, and know how to use it. Own a copy of the Constitution and Bill of Rights, and know how to use them. Be aware of the world around you. Find and gain access to news sources that will help you continue your education on these topics. Specialize yourself in an area of this special research and go as deep as you can into it. Spread this information to as many people as you can. Call your senator and representative and tell them your concerns about these topics. Providing your name is optional. to search for any of these terms
Loose Change version 2 on 9/11
"Google Spider Goats" video on 9/11

At 7:04 PM, Blogger Garrett said...


Thank you for your posting, While I may not agree with all of what you posted - I'll allow it this time as some of what you posted seems to be SPAM - please do not SPAM my blog or you will be evicted permanently.


At 6:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No politician is going to save us... the framers understood that. Ultimately it's the people, hence the reason for this second ammendment site and others. Always fight to win! Remember, war is hell, and the more hellish it is, the quicker it's over.

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At 5:42 AM, Blogger sherrysabri said...

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