Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Why I love the Israelis...

It's pictures like these that make the lieberals sick...but let's just use their worn out argument, remember "it's for the children".

Such a wonderful and educational activity for school children as in signing "from Israel with love" on a artillery round would never be allowed in our PC nanny-state culture.

I'll bet their parents are so proud...I would be.

When tolerance isn't...well...tolerant

This guy has guts...No other way to say it:

Make with the clicking

He goes to a "defend Hezbollah" rally and ticks them off. Do they try to be "tolerant" of his defense of Israel? No? I thought the left was all about tolerance???

My hat is off to you sir.

I still think that suicide bombers should practice at home. However, until they do (if you need a laugh) watch this priceless (safe for work) video.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Police lying? Say it ain't so...

Came across this article and I laughed so hard that police officers could be so naive...or maybe I shouldn't be surprised - anyways have a look for yourself:

Police fear the mighty SKS!!!

Some choice tidbits from the article:

Faust said the steel core bullets used in an SKS strike the body then follow bone, so a bullet can "enter your shoulder and come out of your toe."


"Equipped with a folding bayonet and armor-piercing rounds, the rifle is a cheap and highly effective weapon -- the predecessor of the AK-47 -- that can blast through engine blocks as easily as it can bones, said Louis Faust, one of nearly 20 NOPD tactical officers who arrested five people, including Thomas."

Sort of false, a 7.62x39 will blast through bone, but I've never seen one go clean through an engine block - even in steel core. Now, I will admit that there are likely some exotic ammo types that may do this...but they make the 7.62x39 sound like a .50 cal. Guess when you're playing fast a loose with the "truth" like these cops you can't let facts slow you down.

"What you see here is not just in the Fischer," Scheurmann said, pointing to the SKS. "The shame of it is there are a lot of good people out there who see people with weapons like this, and they're scared. With drug dealers out with these, what can they do?"

...Shoot back? But hey, that would just "escalate the violence" according to these officers who believe that guns just create more violence. If that is indeed the case, why don't you ask them why THEY carry a gun?

Guess some animals are more EQUAL than others...

Your homework for the day is to think about why in high crime cities where police can't control the crime and there aren't enough police to effectively patrol the city, why they don't allow you to effectively protect yourself?

Stupid human tricks...

Once again proving that people have become "sheeple", some of the folks in Memphis have decided to turn in their guns to keep them out of the hands of lawbreakers. That is the MOST pathetic argument I have heard in a while (followed closely by "if it saves just one child...").

Check this out...

"Not intended to round up the firearms of lawbreakers..."

What!!!??? I thought they were trying to REDUCE crime - Not ADD to it. Last I checked the crime was being caused by the organized gangs and street thugs, not by someone's 70 year old grandmother with a shotgun in her attic.

"the event was aimed at law-abiding citizens who have the power to stop their own guns from falling into violent hands, said Sgt. Vince Higgins, spokesman for Memphis police."

Yeah, sure...keep drinking the punch idiots, maybe the comet will come for you someday (Obligatory Hale-Bopp comment).

Just read the article for yourself and watch the not so casual demise of our once great nation:

Click here

Keep your powder dry...and for Heavens sake don't turn your guns in! You need to decide now - Are you a CITIZEN or a SUBJECT?

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Just read a good book...

Sorry for the lack of updates, real life has a nasty way of getting in the way of blogging. I can't say much for the garbage that passes for literature these days, but for any free-thinking individual I can heartily recommend Boston's Gun Bible.

I just recieved my copy two weeks ago. This book contains everything about guns (at least militia/military type firearms) that you wanted to know, but were afraid to ask the ATF. At anywhere from $15-17 it more than pays for itself with over 800+ pages of very good information for those that realize that the government is not always your friend.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Kim said it best...

For those of you who know me, Kim Du Toit's site has been a daily read of mine for some time now (even before he shut his site down and then split it into two). Anyways...he has posted a most excellent article on IANSA (the UN folks that really do want to take away your guns) on his site:

Click away!

You know what they say - "know thy enemy".