Monday, July 24, 2006

Stupid human tricks...

Once again proving that people have become "sheeple", some of the folks in Memphis have decided to turn in their guns to keep them out of the hands of lawbreakers. That is the MOST pathetic argument I have heard in a while (followed closely by "if it saves just one child...").

Check this out...

"Not intended to round up the firearms of lawbreakers..."

What!!!??? I thought they were trying to REDUCE crime - Not ADD to it. Last I checked the crime was being caused by the organized gangs and street thugs, not by someone's 70 year old grandmother with a shotgun in her attic.

"the event was aimed at law-abiding citizens who have the power to stop their own guns from falling into violent hands, said Sgt. Vince Higgins, spokesman for Memphis police."

Yeah, sure...keep drinking the punch idiots, maybe the comet will come for you someday (Obligatory Hale-Bopp comment).

Just read the article for yourself and watch the not so casual demise of our once great nation:

Click here

Keep your powder dry...and for Heavens sake don't turn your guns in! You need to decide now - Are you a CITIZEN or a SUBJECT?


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