Saturday, June 24, 2006

Egads! Another one drinks the punch...

England has done such a fine job of selling slavery to their masses...

case and point

Guess the term "ignorance is bliss" works for this guy...

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Dude where's my freedom?

Since I love camping, I bought myself the most useful camping stove I have ever seen (the image to the left). It's a very simple alcohol stove that you pour a little denatured alcohol into and *poof* you have a flame that will cook anything you throw at it.

You can see the stove here

Ah, but you ask - Where is my complaint/rant today? My rant remains with my local Wal-Mart. You see, you cannot buy more than one small container of fuel for this stove (at Wal-Mart) as "some people" may use the fuel to make "weapons or drugs and it's against the law", yes this was the lame excuse used to prohibit me from buying more than one small container of denatured alcohol (ethanol). After all, they said, "it's to protect the children...if it saves one child..."

Isn't that the same tired argument used to ban guns by the Socialis...err...Democrats (and Republicans too)?

I immediately went to Lowes (a local hardware store) and asked if any such law existed, to which I was immediately told, "I've never heard of a law like that, how many gallons do you want?"

WHY do people think that they know what is best for others? I know, this is an academic question with millions of possible answers, but this is really beginning to make me wonder - just where did my freedom go?

One thing is for sure, the folks at the local Wal-Mart will never be confused for legal scholars, or even known for their mental prowess. This "happy camper" will limit his future purchases at that particular chain. However, that poses an interesting dilemma, shop at Target and support a white flag bearing anti-American FROG or Shop at Wal-Mart and participate in the great "nanny state" experiment? Guess it's time I really supported the HEART of America and checked out my local "mom and pop" stores.

Just my .02 cents.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Time for more guns in civilian hands?

...because it appears that the police (and their being the only ones "professional enough") aren't enough anymore.

Just wait till the "anti-gun" left starts the spin on this...

Will wonders never cease?

Just when I thought that there was no hope for California - Something happens that renders me speechless

A judge has overturned San Fransisco's gun ban!

Saturday, June 03, 2006

There goes the neighborhood...and the Fourth Amendment

By now you have an idea how I feel about over intrusive government. California has just passed a law allowing them to enter a suspects house without a warrant at all. Now granted, the all too mis-named PATRIOT act did far more to convert this country into a police state than any other recent law/s this century. So what they can they enter your house to arrest you for you ask? For being SUSPECTED of DUI (Driving Under the Influence - of intoxicants). Not proven that you were driving under the influence...but suspected. Anyone smell a Salem witch trial coming on? Perhaps a McCarthy era where the Left imprisons the Right?

Read it and weep...really.

Just my humble advice, but get out of California NOW. If you are there, you are in enemy territory, move out to the free states before you become "accused".

I could retire by making an "alternative energy" company. I could set up some wind generators near the bodies of this country's founders. They are surely turning so fast in their graves...

Keep your powder dry - I've been saying that we may need it soon, but I fear that it may be sooner than any of us realize.