Saturday, June 03, 2006

There goes the neighborhood...and the Fourth Amendment

By now you have an idea how I feel about over intrusive government. California has just passed a law allowing them to enter a suspects house without a warrant at all. Now granted, the all too mis-named PATRIOT act did far more to convert this country into a police state than any other recent law/s this century. So what they can they enter your house to arrest you for you ask? For being SUSPECTED of DUI (Driving Under the Influence - of intoxicants). Not proven that you were driving under the influence...but suspected. Anyone smell a Salem witch trial coming on? Perhaps a McCarthy era where the Left imprisons the Right?

Read it and weep...really.

Just my humble advice, but get out of California NOW. If you are there, you are in enemy territory, move out to the free states before you become "accused".

I could retire by making an "alternative energy" company. I could set up some wind generators near the bodies of this country's founders. They are surely turning so fast in their graves...

Keep your powder dry - I've been saying that we may need it soon, but I fear that it may be sooner than any of us realize.


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