Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Some animals are more equal than others

Ahh...New York. Home of the big a**hole...*cough*...I mean apple. Our topic today is the local mayor a certain Mr. Bloomberg.

It seems that in his zeal to blame EVERYONE else for the crime in HIS city, he may have become an accessory to some violations of federal firearm laws:

Read it and weep...or laugh at Bloomberg's expense.

So do I think they will really prosecute him? No, I don't. He is a politician, and like all those of his ilk, he can do almost anything (even commit murder - like Sen. Kennedy) and be forgiven with nothing more than a slap on the wrist. These are the people that dictate and enforce our laws yet they attempt to subvert our rights?

They claim that we do not need firearms as they will "protect" us, yet they remain 24 hours a day under the protection of armed guards. Hypocrisy no? Such is only allowed because "some animals are more equal than others".

Isn't it odd that when a gun crime occurs, that politicians are so quick to blame and try to confiscate firearms from everyone who DIDN'T have anything to do with the crime? There's some logic for you.

Keep your powder dry...at this rate we may need to use it soon.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Why New York needs some chlorine in the gene pool

Read this (From the ever Marxist NY Daily News)

Somehow I am surprised that this "useful idiot" didn't up and die from a heart attack due to the presence of all the evil guns at the gun show (sarcasm intended).

Let me guess, this is one of those who would hide in his closet if an intruder entered his house and call the police. All the while hoping that they (the police) would arrive to "protect" him before he put his head between his legs and kissed his butt (yes, this page has a PG rating) goodbye.

Your homework tonight (Just as an example - I don't really recommend this): Call the police and report a break in, then call the pizza guy and order a pie with everything on it. Which will get there first? I happen to know this from experience - have money for the pizza guy ready, as he'll get there first.

Keep your powder dry.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Let's hear it for states rights!

"Wyoming is suing the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives".

With that first sentence, you have my complete attention.

Here's the link

(By the way sorry about not posting much in the last few days - a new child makes things difficult sometimes)

Just in...

An interesting read about the Kellerman Study that the anti-gunners love to quote:

Start with the clicking

"Idiot civilians"...is that what you called us?

Remember my post about the all-too "educated" reporter a few days ago?

Well this was posted under the comments by a self-described detective from Chicago:

Well, I know how wonderful guns are to everyone who's replied here, but I do have this to say:

I know that I don't like guns. And I don't like for a lot of idiot civilians to carry them. They just complicate everything and I've never ever seen them do anyone any good.

Even with break-ins...half the time people shoot their doped up kid who's sneaking into the house late at night.

Go hunt if you want to. But you don't need an automatic weapon to see how much you can tear through another living thing. If that's the only reason you hunt, you know, Dahmer had that problem too... Vincent Cook


David at Waronguns, I think, said it best...they think they are the "only ones professional enough" (also credit to the DEA moron - who shot himself - thus making that line famous - Sadly he did not qualify for a Darwin Award). What's funny is that as a kid I used to respect police officers who put their lives on the line to "protect" the people. Now they seem more and more often willing to put MY life (and that of my family) on the line because they believe they are either more "equal than others" or somehow imbued with a magical ability to control their firearms that a civilian could never have. My advice, never negotiate, or trust any who would deprive you the right to keep and bear arms.

Keep your powder dry and MOLON LABE!



This was a posting in response to our resident "Chicago detective" (Now what was that old school term for a detective that seems so appropriate...I think it started with a D...):

Vincent, Chicago "Detective": Civilians? You think the problem is with "civilians" owning and carrying firearms? Your badge doesn't make you safe with a gun. Your training doesn't make you safe with a gun. Practice makes you safe with a gun. In the last 3 weeks, I've had 3 police officers negligently point firearms at each other and at me, and explain it away with, "I'm a cop - it's okay." This arrogance and stupidity is what gets people killed. Your superior attitude towards "civilians" is both ignorant and unwarranted. You want to impress me with your firearms skills? Come on down to Dallas, and shoot an IDPA or USPSA match with me, and I'll send you home with your head hanging in shame. The best shooters in the WORLD are civilians, so take your attitude and adjust it, pal.
Firearms Instructor


It's well written responses (like the one above) that make day.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

"Oh the places you'll go..."

(Please note that the subject of this post is based on a conversation...I wouldn't want you to confuse me with fabricating events like the New York Times)

I was talking with a few friends of mine today and the topic swung to people moving here to the sunny state of Utah from the "big cities" (ie. Chicago, Los Angeles, San Fransisco, New York ad infinitum). According to what I have seen/heard the vast majority move out of those blue-state Hell holes due to out of control crime, housing prices etc. One topic rose up regarding many of these people being "hoplophobes" and joining anti-gun groups here in Utah. Answer me this: why in the BLOODY HELL do you move to a "low crime" state and want to start passing laws (against gun ownership) that led to your previous city resembling something out of Dante's Inferno?

But wait, I guess I'm not as "educated" as them, so I can't possibly understand their "logic". Also, I'm just too tired to try.

Please post away and give me your thoughts on this.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

How TactiCOOL are you?

Hey I love guns, but with your average politician living in perpetual fear of a drive-by bayoneting from a so-called "assault weapon" I have to wonder how would I use this gun? Now, don't get me wrong CZ makes a great gun, but to be honest when I first saw this I thought it was a movie prop. However, folks it's real (so get them if you can before the F-Troop decides that they are not for "sporting purposes")

The most TactiCOOL pistol you will ever see

Kinda gives a new meaning to "defensive carry", but I wouldn't want to try using one for concealed carry. By the way Santa - I know it's a bit early, but could you bring me one for Christmas?

Welcome one...welcome all

Today's lesson is about why some people should not breed. It also demonstrates why our public school system and colleges are failing us. Case in point, an aspiring reporter (Sarah Waldrop) who has no idea what the second amendment is about...but she has a high opinion of the first amendment (Credit to David @ Waronguns for finding the link):

Start with the clicking, and get your sick bags ready!

Sad isn't it? The funny thing is, the anti-gun folks can't seem to get the general idea that criminals DON'T FOLLOW LAWS! That's what makes them criminals. Passing more laws restricting guns will do two things:

1. Violent crime will increase dramatically. This demonstrated in England and Australia after the passing of severe restrictions on firearm ownership.
2. It will eventually turn all true believers in the 2nd amendment into criminals as many of us will not give up our firearms to comply with some two-bit politician's wannabe "utopia".

"...The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws."

-Ayn Rand "Atlas Shrugged"