Remember my post about the all-too "educated" reporter a few days ago?
Well this was posted under the comments by a self-described detective from Chicago:
Well, I know how wonderful guns are to everyone who's replied here, but I do have this to say: I know that I don't like guns. And I don't like for a lot of idiot civilians to carry them. They just complicate everything and I've never ever seen them do anyone any good. Even with break-ins...half the time people shoot their doped up kid who's sneaking into the house late at night. Go hunt if you want to. But you don't need an automatic weapon to see how much you can tear through another living thing. If that's the only reason you hunt, you know, Dahmer had that problem too... Vincent Cook Detective Chicago
David at Waronguns, I think, said it best...they think they are the "only ones professional enough" (also credit to the DEA moron - who shot himself - thus making that line famous - Sadly he did not qualify for a
Darwin Award). What's funny is that as a kid I used to respect police officers who put their lives on the line to "protect" the people. Now they seem more and more often willing to put MY life (and that of my family) on the line because they believe they are either more "equal than others" or somehow imbued with a magical ability to control their firearms that a civilian could never have. My advice, never negotiate, or trust any who would deprive you the right to keep and bear arms.
Keep your powder dry and MOLON LABE!
This was a posting in response to our resident "Chicago detective" (Now what was that old school term for a detective that seems so appropriate...I think it started with a D...):
Vincent, Chicago "Detective": Civilians? You think the problem is with "civilians" owning and carrying firearms? Your badge doesn't make you safe with a gun. Your training doesn't make you safe with a gun. Practice makes you safe with a gun. In the last 3 weeks, I've had 3 police officers negligently point firearms at each other and at me, and explain it away with, "I'm a cop - it's okay." This arrogance and stupidity is what gets people killed. Your superior attitude towards "civilians" is both ignorant and unwarranted. You want to impress me with your firearms skills? Come on down to Dallas, and shoot an IDPA or USPSA match with me, and I'll send you home with your head hanging in shame. The best shooters in the WORLD are civilians, so take your attitude and adjust it, pal. jr Firearms Instructor TexasLinkIt's well written responses (like the one above) that make day.