Thursday, March 29, 2012

Here's the kicker...

This ladies and gentlemen is the type of mentality infecting our world...a thought process imbued with laziness and malignant entitlement:

...I wonder if there's an IHOP where he lives...

Friday, March 02, 2012

Insanity! Why yes it is...

I may be back soon. Apologies to all of you (or the three individuals) that still check this blog from time to time. I took some time off as I took a position that required me to be politically 'neutral' (I think the term is more correctly 'politically neutered').

However, I'm back and while I debate how to restore this site to it's previous (glory?) state. Let's ponder on something...are you prepared for what is coming to this country? Seriously, look at what Obama has done to this nation - are you ready for when the wheels come completely off? I'm considering a change - not just 2nd Amendment issues, but good information on how to prepare for the coming financial tsunami. (Thoughts on this? - or have you had your fill of survival/prep news?)

Granted, when I ran this site, our nation wasn't quite in the morass of woe that it currently finds itself in - so get ready site is may be about to come back. Twice as sarcastic, three times as spiteful, and 100% more insane than before. Firebrand? Why yes...I am.