Thursday, May 17, 2007

The threat is real...

It appears that certain members of the Muslim community are recruiting and preparing for combat...on American soil.

While they are preparing their militias and recruiting ex-felons and giving them guns (remember felons cannot use/own firearms), the ATF does nothing. You see, the ATF is too busy patting themselves on the back for arresting harmless old men and killing unarmed women that are tending their children - to actually go after REAL threats.

I'm going to restate something I have said before, the ATF, the FBI and other associated Federal Agencies are cowards - pure and simple. To those of you in such Federal Agencies - PLEASE prove me wrong...PLEASE - stop these groups before they unleash a war on our streets and in our cities! And for our nation's sake stop attacking our "law-abiding"* citizens.

*Remember while it may be a privilege to drive, it is a RIGHT to bear arms (arms = any man-portable weapon and may include even artillery). The right to bear arms shall NOT BE INFRINGED. That means the right to bear arms shall not be taken away, limited, confiscated, or meddled with (just wanted to put it in small words so you folks from the agencies could clearly understand it - since you haven't seemed to understand it thus far).


Update 15:00 MST

Just found out that David at Waronguns beat me to this one - you can see his original posting here.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

A world with no guns does not equal...peace?

Read this for yourself

A very well written essay on just how short sighted anti-gun folks are...

Thursday, May 10, 2007

One rule for me - another for thee...

Ahh...the good old US of A, where you have all the rights afforded by the Constitution - or do you?

In our bastions of education, our schools and universities, the professors and the leaders of these organizations have decided that as long as you follow their "world view" of how things should be you are protected by the Constitution (aside from that "unlovable" 2nd amendment). However, if you happen to not be a sexual deviant, not enjoy killing the unborn so you can live life without responsibility*, not follow Marxist/socialist/communist (and other failed) philosophy, follow Christian beliefs, or have basic beliefs in the original intent of the Constitution - you are afforded no protection by leftists.

Just like this guy

Let's analyze shall we: he has had his 1st amendment rights violated, his 2nd amendment rights violated, and 4th amendments rights violated as well...

"One rule for me - another for thee..."

Kent has it right such leftists will try to eventually claim that we are all insane or "mentally ill" so that they can restrict our right to bear arms through law. But I believe that the "law of unintended consequences" would rapidly rise and surprise these "benevolent self-made dictators" with what would occur.

*(Just for the record, all leftist ideology when you get around to it is about blaming someone else for your problems and taking power FROM the people- blame - blame - blame - Don't like your personal choices, blame someone's a situation that leads to no personal ethics or responsibility - such would (and is) destroy our country and way of life)

God save the USA!

Friday, May 04, 2007

The line in the sand...

...and Chicago has crossed it

(Update 5-8-07 It appears that the above link is no longer working - in short Chicago has started some rather active confiscations of firearms)

Guess this joker (thanks for the link Lance) must be very happy.

To the people of Chicago - well, you need to decide at this point what your line in the sand is.

Sad...just sad...

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Not gun related...but relevant!

Ever hear of CCD (Colony Collapse Disorder)?

It turns out that bees all over the world are disappearing (dying?). No, this is not a conspiracy theory or "black helicopter" tale...but something very, VERY real. This is far more scary than Iran with the bomb because this effects everyone world wide (well, in fairness Iran would effect everyone too - but I hope you know what I mean).

Google it, look it up - don't take my word for it.

Question: Why hasn't the media touched this? Answer...well draw your own conclusion.

I don't think that "Frankenfoods" are the only reason this is happening, but it certainly is one of the main reasons. Now for the record, I'm no "tree-hugger" but I do have a healthy respect for nature - I believe that one should not "play God" unless one is ready for the responsibility. Our race (as a whole) is not nearly mature enough for that duty (I rather doubt we will ever be).

There are many theories why CCD is happening...but no answers.

This is one of the reasons that I stated some time back that getting a supply of food is every bit as important as a supply of ammo - or a firearm. This article, while not necessarily following the ideas of firearms and the Second Amendment is relevant. Good luck defending yourself or your family if you have not the strength (due to lack of food) to lift yourself from the ground. Worse yet, imagine having to defend what little food you have from those driven mad by hunger determined to steal it from you.

I just hope people are paying attention.