Good for me...not for thee...
First a little background, at one point I lived in the Orange County, CA area and actually found it to be one of the better areas of California - so imagine my surprise when I found this article in the OC register (the online version of the local paper).
Now mull that over for a minute.
"According to the second amendment everyone is allowed to carry a gun."
So far so good...
"Gun owners think people have the rights to own guns because guns do not kill people, people kill people. If there is a murderer and they kill someone with a gun, they choose to use the gun. The gun did not choose to use itself and kill the person. As you can see, many people believe in right to have a gun for various reasons."
Ok...I agree with some of that...LOGICAL people KNOW that guns are only a tool. They have no sentience hence it's the person that kills.
"Many children are killed by guns. For example, there are almost 8 people (19 and under) who are killed every three hours by a gun. In one day, 45 kids were wounded by a gun. Deaths happen every day by different causes. In the U.S, the second-leading cause of accidental death is firearms (after motor vehicle accidents)."
So why don't we ban cars first since guns are the second cause of "accidental death"? Err...guess that just shot your logic all to hell didn't it...sorry about that. The CDC has an interesting take on what kills people - Guns are WAY down on the list. Plus this poor child has been duped into repeating garbage from the fraudulent Kellerman study. The Kellerman study has been debunked many
many (this one is good)
many times.
"Gun supporter's think safety locks are a burden. Although looking at a gun there seems to be no burden. If someone were to break into your home, you would grab the gun and it would take less than 1 second to unlock the safety lock! In the U.S, the rate of firearm death is 12 times higher than in 25 other countries combined. It is easy to see why I believe that the second amendment should be changed."
Obviously this child has never used a gun - or tried vainly to open a safe or lock when you are scared out of your mind and the criminal is coming at you fast. On that last part: (In the US) the rate of firearm death is 12 times higher than in 25 other countries combined is just political nonsense since there is no reference to WHAT countries they are referring to. Not only that but many countries don't track crime accurately. Look at England where they cant decide on the "definition of what constitutes a crime" and have changed their counting rules on how to measure crime so such references are woefully inaccurate and unacceptable (see the above linked doc file). I'm sure that England isn't the only country with problems measuring crime, and if you'd like I'll PROVE that most countries don't accurately measure crime in a future blog entry.
"Many people believe that gun rules should not change, but I do. I believe that everyone does not have the right to a gun, and if they do have the right, laws should change so there is more protection."
Really? What would give you that idea? Oh wait...the answer is at the top of the article:
"Here are the winning essays, submitted by teacher Janelle Caldwell."
Janelle, let me ask you - with you reinforcing these socialist ideas into the tender (and malleable) minds of the children what do you hope to gain? I believe in Karma (what comes around goes around) and I really, REALLY hope that you never have to experience the fear that comes from being threatened by an armed criminal - someone that doesn't care if you die as long as they get what THEY WANT. However Janelle you got what you want didn't you? Another mindless drone that subscribes to your ideology and is unwilling to think on their own.
Janelle, you must be so proud of your class filled with (apparently) useful idiots.
At the bottom of the article:
From the editor: Many of you have expressed concerns about some of the harsh anonymous comments from readers (translation: those posting shot down all the liberal BS in the above article and we banned them). To remedy that, we are introducing new features. You can create your own blog, publish your news and share your photos with the community. Once you fill out a simple form and leave a verifiable e-mail address (so we can sue you for harassment), you can set up your profile page. It will display all of your contributions and allow you to track issues and easily connect with others (unless we don't agree with your ideas).
We want our site to be a place where people discuss and debate ideas that foster stronger communities. We built this for you (well at least those of you who agree with our leftist ideas). Please take care of it. Tolerate broad (socialist/"progressive"/deviant) thinking, but take action against obscene or hateful material (anything that scares us or makes us wet our pants - like the 2nd Amendment). Make it a credible (because we obviously aren't) and safe place (without those icky guns - so we can bend over and assume the position) worth preserving and sharing (with the next generation of useful idiots).
Yeah, I know...the above edits and ad hominem attacks are mine - what of it? Am I wrong? If you felt that I was, you would have stopped reading my blog long before you got to this point.Sometimes I don't think McCarthyism went far enough, as it appears we needed another decade of two to root the socialists out. Would that however have tipped the scales too far in the other direction? That is a discussion for another day...
Well, there goes my rant for the day - now time for me to get some sleep.