The threat is real...
It appears that certain members of the Muslim community are recruiting and preparing for combat...on American soil.
While they are preparing their militias and recruiting ex-felons and giving them guns (remember felons cannot use/own firearms), the ATF does nothing. You see, the ATF is too busy patting themselves on the back for arresting harmless old men and killing unarmed women that are tending their children - to actually go after REAL threats.
I'm going to restate something I have said before, the ATF, the FBI and other associated Federal Agencies are cowards - pure and simple. To those of you in such Federal Agencies - PLEASE prove me wrong...PLEASE - stop these groups before they unleash a war on our streets and in our cities! And for our nation's sake stop attacking our "law-abiding"* citizens.
*Remember while it may be a privilege to drive, it is a RIGHT to bear arms (arms = any man-portable weapon and may include even artillery). The right to bear arms shall NOT BE INFRINGED. That means the right to bear arms shall not be taken away, limited, confiscated, or meddled with (just wanted to put it in small words so you folks from the agencies could clearly understand it - since you haven't seemed to understand it thus far).
Update 15:00 MST
Just found out that David at Waronguns beat me to this one - you can see his original posting here.