Friday, December 22, 2006

Well...this isn't good!

I don't know which is worse, the fact that the Bush administration now believes the right to keep and bear arms is a collective right or the fact that I voted for him in the last election. Doesn't it sting when you have only the "lesser of two evils" to vote for?

Damn traitors...

Read this and weep

A BIG thanks to David at Waronguns for bringing this to light.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Hot potato!

Read this and weep

Ok, let's assume for a second that the Supreme Court knows what they are doing...scratch that, that's a bit like believing in Santa Claus.

The Supreme Court will likely do one of two things (I am not a political scholar so the results may vary):

1. The court does what it does well and tries to duck the issue ONLY making it applicable to DC (or the states) or somehow spins the issue till it has no real bearing (after all - hasn't this case been decided before?).

2. The court does the unthinkable (and incredibly stupid choice) and rules AGAINST the second amendment being FOR the people. At which point there is an immediate push by our DEMONcrat overlords for mass confiscations, which leads (naturally) to open rebellion by the people. Ultimately leading to each of these judges, that ruled against the second amendment, hanging from a tall tree somewhere.

Say it with me people the Second Amendment is not PRIVLEDGES granted to the people! It is a RESTRICTION placed on the government and as such is immutable as is the rest of the Bill of Rights!

...remember you're not paranoid when they REALLY are after your guns.

My apologies...

I'm sorry to those who have have not seen ANYTHING posted here in a while. Real life has a way of interfering with hobbies and do children. Anyhow, I'm back - for the moment. Enough said...let's bring on some witty sarcasm directed at politicians!