Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Illegal X 2 = ? if it weren't enough that illegal immigrants accounted for 1 out of 5 inmates in our wonderful penal system and accounting for a hefty amount of crime - looks like the government caught one and charged him for having a gun. Now I don't know what those of you may think - but if a person is here illegally (crime) and has a gun (which he has no rights under the Constitution - due to his status) - what should we do? Launching the offender back into their native country by catapult comes to mind...

Granted the "Brady Bunch" (*cough...of idiots...cough*) will likely use this to push their socialist agenda, but not fix the underlying issue - illegal immigration! It still amazes me that our government will not listen to the people and seal the border.

Part of the reason for this rant of mine is that a friend of mine (who shall remain nameless), had his house recently broken into by not one or two - but a whole group of hispanic illegal immigrants. Luckily (for the illegals) he was not there when they broke in. The first place they hit - the gun safe! They pried it open after almost an hours work (yes, Virginia a gun safe only slows down a determined criminal/s) and removed all the guns and then ransacked the house for valuables.

Luckily for my friend, the illegals were were "detained" when they hopped the fence behind his house and into the waiting jaws of the neighbor's pair of AKC Rottweilers. When the police arrived the illegals informed them that the guns were so they could "get a job". What time of job I wonder?

The moral of the story is that this lax attitude towards law and order by our very government is increasing crime. As this crime increases we as patriots, the law abiding, and gun owners - will see increasing attacks because there are those who are "blind", immoral, and complicit in crimes against our Consitution wish us to become the Socialist dystopia (NOT utopia) they envision.

Sure I'm rambling, sure these are my ideas...but I'm mad as Hell...and you should be too.


At 6:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good to see you post again. Yep.. the pollies don't really care unless it's their house or kids. We should just bare up. Homeland security... THE SECOND AMMENDMENT!

At 6:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"if a person is here illegally (crime) and has a gun (which he has no rights under the Constitution - due to his status)"

I remember reading once, a long time ago, some document, somewhere, which talked about "all men are created equal", and about "all men being endowed with unalienable rights by the Creator".

I wonder whatever became of that.

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